- Translation at yesITranslate.com
At yesITranslate.com translation is not a mere mechanical replacement of words. It is a creative process. Translating is writing, remember? Therefore, professional language translation, backed by uncompromising commitment to service, lies at the heart of translation services offered at yesITranslate.com. Moreover, at yesITranslate.com some of the most popular Translation and Localization CAT tools are being used.
- Translation at yesITranslate.com
- The translation process
What is the translation process made of? Although it seems that there should be an endless number of crucial steps, the translation process at yesITranslate.com is divided into three basic steps:
- The translation process
- (Along with initial readings, researches, spell-checks, various CAT and TM support, consultation, final readings and whatnots.)