Hi there! My name is Igor Radosavljevic
- I am the creator and owner of yesITranslate.com, a freelance translation business.
- As a linguist, I am a native speaker of Serbian and Hungarian.
- I live in Serbia, in a country of different cultures.
- Working as a full-time translator I am having the opportunity to do business with companies and renowned translation agencies from all over the world.
- Besides that, in the period of 1997–2003 I used to work as an in-house translator within a team of translators. During that period only, I translated somewhere around 1500 articles.
- As a full-time freelance translator, I am trying to make my contribution as a translator exploring the realm of information technologies (IT; all fields), medicine (instruments; general) and engineering (mechanical; general).
- For additional insight, please, get acquainted with the website and visit my proZ.com profile at: